Wednesday, October 22, 2014


זמן - תחית המתים התמידי

מַה-שֶּׁהָיָה, הוּא שֶׁיִּהְיֶה, וּמַה-שֶּׁנַּעֲשָׂה, הוּא שֶׁיֵּעָשֶׂה; וְאֵין כָּל-חָדָשׁ, תַּחַת הַשָּׁמֶשׁ
. – קהלת א:ט

דוד = 14 = אוהב = אהוב

מה = 45 = מאד = אל דוד

מה שיהיה = 375 = שלמה = עשה

שהיה = 320 = ישי = נער

מת = 440 = תהלה = לבבות = מהנשמה
= גואל הנשמה = אבותיכם הנשמה
= 1439 = 440

חי = 18 = האהבה = האחד = העבר שמת
= 1017 = 18

תמיד = 454 = דוד מת = דוד תהלה

עתיד = 484 = תהלה לדוד = עת דוד
= יהי אור ויהי אור דוד = דעתי
= סוד התורה כל זמן = 1483 = 484
= סוד כל זמן יום = זמן לעולם

בן דוד = 716 = קיום = שבת דוד = דוד בת מכל דור

שמות = 746 = שמתו = שעשוע

עבר שמת = 1012 = 13 = אחד = אהבה

אם = כל מת עולה = פלא נולדת

מחיה = 63 = חנה = נביא = כל אהבה = כל אחד

המחיה = 68 = כל חי = הנביא = כל האהבה

זמן = 747 = מקראות = אמון = להבין = מוציאם
= קרן שמות = עלץ שמתו = עלץ שעשוע = 1746 = 747
= בני שמתו בחיים שוב
= העלץ שמת נודב בחיים שוב = 2745 = 747
= אברהם בחיים שוב
= ברחם חיים שוב = חיים ברחם שבו
= כל בניה בחיים = כל הנודב בחיים
= תחית כל העולמות שהיו
= תורת אבותיכם נולדים = 2745 = יודעים תורת אבותיכם
= עת העבר = עבר עתה  
= הנה ברא עתיד = הנה ברא לתמיד
= ברא עולם שמחה לתמיד              

ההוה כל זמן = 818 = אהיה כל זמן = תחית

ההוה הוא כל זמן = 830 = לתת = שלך
= ההוה כל מקראות בי = ההוה בטא כל מקראות

תחית המת = 1263 = 264 = סדר = נדרי

תחית המתים התמידי = 2342 = 344 = שמד = שלדי
= של דוד = שיהיה דוד = פרדם

נחת = 458 = חי מת = תהלה האהבה = אחד הלבבות
= הנשמה כל השמות בספר בראשית = 2456 = 458
= הנשמה כל השעשוע בספר בראשית = תבנו = בנות
= בת נדב

תחית המתים אינה דבר שקורא חד פעמי אחרי ביאת המשיח. תחית המתים קוראת תמיד, בכל זמן. פשוט עלינו להגיע לדרגה הנקראת משיח כדי לראותו.

האהבה מחיה את העבר שמת. כל התעוררות אהבה בלב היא תחית המתים ממש ולכל דבר.

ושתלמדו בנחת תמיד!

Monday, October 20, 2014



נ = 50 = כל = מי = דמו = אבותי בחיים = 1049 = 50
= אלף בית גמל דלת הא וו זין חית טית יוד +
כף למד מם נון סמך עין פא צדי קוף ריש שין שין תו
= 11,039 = 50

ח = 8 = או = בו = הג = דד = אהב  = האב = אגד
= השמות בספר בראשית = 2006 = 8
= השעשוע בספר בראשית

נח = 58 = בנו = אהב כל
= כל השמות בספר בראשית = 2056 = 58
= הכל שמתו בספר בראשית
= כל השעשוע בספר בראשית

צדיק = 204 = צוחק = צחוק

אלה שמתו מצחוק כשקראו את ספר בראשית יודעים רזי פרשת נח.
ולמי שלא הבין: לכל הפחות הפסיקו להשמיץ את האנושות.

Friday, October 17, 2014


בית מקדש

יד עושה = 395 = נשמה = דוד עושה

היד עושה = 400 = ת = הנשמה = ידה עושה
= חוה עושה = כל יקר לי = כל ספרי

ידים עושות = 1406 = 407 = אתו = אות

הידים העושות = 1416 = 417 = אותי = זית = הבית

מקדש הידים = 1073 = 74 = למד = עד = לבב גואל

בית המקדש = 861 = אסף = מקדש הידים העושות
= הידים העושות קדש לי = 1860 = 861 = לאלף
= לתת אל

עבודה = 87 = פז = חסד באהבה

הידים העושות הן כל ענין בית המקדש, אחי האהובים, היקרים מכל – הידים העושות ארוחת בוקר, הידים העושות את הכביסה, הידים העושות לחם, הידים העושות מלאכה למען המשפחה והאנושות – כל עושה לנו חסד באהבה.

אין שום צורך לבנות בית מאבן. אין שום טעם לעשות המחשה או הדגמה של העבודה שאנו עושים יום-יום. אנו כבר עושים את עבודת הקודש על אמת ולכל דבר. הרואה זאת כבר בגן עדן. רק עלינו להעריך את קדושת האדם.

Sunday, October 12, 2014


סוד הרפואה הוא לתרום

הרפואה = 297 = אוצר = קרן כל התורם חייו = 2295 = 297 = עלץ כל התורם חייו

תרם = 1200 = 201 = אר = תקן

רפא = לתרם כל = תרם לכל = תקן ועד

לרפא = רפאל = 311 = איש = האשה = שיא
= לתרם לכל = 1310 = 311 = לתקן לכל = לתקן ועד
= אנכי צחוק הויה

לתרם נשמתי = 2030 = 32 = לב = השוכן = 1031 = 32

תרם נשמתי = 2000 = 2 = כל ספר תורה = 1001 = 2
= הרצון

תרמתי את נשמתי = 2251 = 253 = נברא = מבריא = מזור
= תורמת דבר = 1252 = 253

The Gift of Life

When we hear the phrase 'The Gift of Life', we usually think of it in terms of the gift/s we have received as living beings.

I'd like to discuss The Gift of Life from a different perspective, in the hopes of helping people to see their own Holiness and that of every other living being around them.

Our Lives are the gifts not only of our Souls to the Creation, but, in some sense even more so, also the gifts of our Bodies to the Creation.
There are many religious teachings that encourage the thinking that the Soul is greater than the Body. Some go so far as to denigrate the Body and encourage us to wish to discard it "after our death".

In truth, the goal that one should aim for, insofar as one can, and know this is a long, and wonderful journey so be patient, is to become what is called The NeverEnding in a Body. We are supposed to purify our Body to the point of being able to experience it consciously as its being a vessel for God and of God. I am not talking as if, I don't mean sort of like - I mean full on God in a Body.

There are filters placed on our consciousness so that we may go on living our Lives without falling on our faces in awe every time we encounter another living being. Without those filters, you could not look another Human Being in the face. The light would overwhelm You, to say the very least. We need those filters in order to continue our Service. However, it is important that we come to the perception Our Bodies and see how Holy they are, at least sometimes. We need this experience in order to be able to value ourselves properly, as well as others, including all animal and plant life.

Our Bodies are the legacy of our Ancestors to us throughout all of the generations. Are Bodies are the distillation and Repository of every act of Service and Devotion that they took upon themselves. The merit of those deeds are passed on to us, along with the plea that we continue their work. The continuation of their work is a sacred trust placed with us.

There are others who would encourage you to think of yourself as limitless in terms of how much you can accomplish. You know, I'm talking about those "you can be anything you want to be" memes.
It would serve You much better to think in terms of YourSelf as being limitless in how much You can give. You will invariably find that You can be anything You want to be so long as it serves Your giving.

When you tap into your Infinite Desire to Give and realize that your Body is the vehicle through which that need can be expressed, you will know the full value of having a Body and you will be deeply grateful for it. Surely, it will continue to "morph", that Body of yours, as it always has. But it is Eternal, no less than your Soul and should be regarded and Most Holy. Unlike your highest Soul, your Body, including your mental and emotional Body, wears and tears in order to give. It takes on discomforts and tribulations in order to give. That is why it is to be regarded gently. This is not to say that it is good to maximize trials and tribulations as some misguided religious teachings have advised. Quite the opposite, we are to take as good care of this Body of ours as we possibly can so that it may serve as fully as possible.

The way in which we purify our Body to be a vessel of God that we are aware of as such (it already is a vessel for God, whether we know it or not, the trick is to know it) is by living a life of Service and Devotion. That does not mean that you have to overextend yourself and try to do everything and that you can never say no or be tired or grouchy. We are Human. Getting everything done is what Other People are for. None of us can do everything. We complement and supplement one another's special abilities and talents. But each of us is filled with an Infinite desire to give. That has to be tapped into – gradually. All we have to do is do our best and keep growing.

Know that everything we do is of great value and infinite moment. "Simple" acts of kindness and service are not so simple and they have cosmic implications.

Know that every act of kindness, every gift given, every kind word, every expression of compassion is leading you and everyone around you to being fully aware of being The NeverEnding in a Body.

Friday, October 10, 2014

Body and Soul

What I'm going to talk about now is something so involved and deep that I can't translate it from the Hebrew. Luckily, I won't have to because You'll know it's true from your own Life experience. Once someone articulates this clearly to You, You won't require further proof than Your own experience

There are all kinds of "gurus" and "coaches" and whatever else they call themselves, usually selling books and courses in "wisdom", that encourage people to be more "spiritual" and describe knowledge of God as something arcane and "up there", wherever the hell that is. They tell you that one day You'll die and You'll jettison Your  Body and find YourSelf a purely "spiritual" being in body of light.

The true Teachings are not going to remove You from Yourself. Neither are they going to denigrate the Temple within which Your Soul lives. They will return You to YourSelf, make You aware of the Holiness of your Being in This World and bring you to sacred reverence of the Body in which You were born and which, if You live Your Life properly,  with God's Help, will be assumed together with Your Soul, nonetheless than Your Soul, into Heaven, which is right here, right now, and You will come to know that you are The Infinite in a Body – which is far greater than being The Infinite without a Body.

Bruthas and Sistas, the plain Truth up and down is: You are already dead. We all are. So, get over the fear of death and ditch all the weird ideas of what will happen after You die. You're already there. You, and I and everyone else around You, are as dead as a doornail right now. So, you know that there is consciousness in death. You know there is Self-consciousness in Death.  You know that there are others to be with in Death. You know there is Heaven and there is Hell in Death. You know there is Hell to pay for being mean and stupid in Death and Heavenly enjoyment for loving to give. And You know that there is ample opportunity for either improving oneself or demoting oneself in Death.  You know that Death is just like Life, because, well, they are one and the same.
We are always in a state of being both alive and dead in all kinds of ways on all kinds of levels.
You already know that in death the Body is always undergoing assumption into a realm that is beyond your knowing and is always regenerating.
That's the way it's going to be for Eternity. There will be no pleasant or unpleasant surprises. You do not have to wait to enter Eternity. You are in the midst of it. There is no prep course for the Absolute. This is it.

You will undergo a gradual unfolding of Knowledge and Awareness that will continue forever just as you have been.
You will grow in your awareness of how great the Soul is, what can be learned and You will grow continuously into a deeper appreciation for the Body in which You dwell, its Holiness, how great a Legacy it is and You will bless it for serving you. Your Body will continue to undergo all kinds of wonderful and perplexing changes, just as it has until now.

What I am trying to say is: You are not going to ever find Knowledge that is "up there" somewhere. You will grow into a more and more profound Knowledge of who You are, who EveryOne else is and existence will always be as miraculous and as banal as it is now. This is Eternity. This is the way it is. There are no other worlds. There is only the deepening appreciation of this world. Get used to it. You don't need to buy a Self-help book to know what you already know and certainly not one that is going to conjure up all sorts of fantasies in Your mind, thus delaying Your appreciation of real Holiness.

Doreen Ellen Bell-Dotan, Tzfat, Israel

Tuesday, October 07, 2014


ישועה - אמת הענין, 
שהמיסיונרים לא יבלבלו לנו ת'מח עם השטויות שלהם המבוססות על חוסר הבנת הנקרא

ישועה = 391 = פה אשה

ישועות = 792 = לשונות = פין ב = פות אשה

Saturday, October 04, 2014

Some thoughts post-Yom HaKippurim on 
the subject of Punishment.

Thing is with Punishment, it is, more often than not, paid in advance.
So, those who call for Punishment are so bloodthirsty that they are demanding double (or more) payment.

Not only is Punishment usually paid in advance; it's usually paid by Children.
How can it be that Punishment is exacted from innocent children? As the Talmud says: Once the Destroyer is loosed on the world, there is no limitation put on it.
If we are one of the many people in this world who are of the mind that torture, ostracism and isolation are the means to teach someone to be compassionate we have loosed the Destroyer on the world and we are not in control of how far the idea will go.
All ideas, good and bad, go much further than we ever anticipated and this is beyond our control. So, if we don't like nasty surprises that are beyond our comprehension; we need to be careful what we call for.

And speaking of worlds: No single phenomenon exists without an entire world to support its existence. That's just the way things are. Everything that comes into existence comes into existence with a history and it is an organic being. It grows, it develops, it makes connections and it has a built-in survival mechanism. If it is a nasty thing, it will have a nasty survival mechanism.
We can't simply call for Punishment, in isolation, without the world that supports it. That includes, but is not limited to: The Prison System - which, having the potential to be very lucrative, is now a largely Private Prison System in the US. So, lots of innocent, docile people are jailed instead of criminals who are harder to make into slaves. And the Prison System is connected to nasty Private Militias - like Xe. And Xe is connected to Monsanto and other Corporations that we would prefer didn't exist. Those, in turn, are in the Weapons Industry, naturally, which is the War Industry. So, you have stuff like Drugs, Child Slavery, Adult Slavery and the Draft in some countries and the poor not being able to get a College Education without "volunteering" for "service" even where there isn't a Draft.

So, the next time you call for Punishment of some miscreant, think before you demand Revenge, because that is what Punishment is. Maybe think how that person can be rehabilitated, especially if the person is a Youngster.

Oh, and one more point: "Otherness" is an optical illusion/moral delusion. Do You really want a part of you stinking in Prison? - because that is just what You're calling for when you scream for Revenge.

Doreen Ellen Bell-Dotan, Tzfat, Israel