Thursday, October 17, 2019


השם דוד הוא האותיות י ד בדמיון

דוד = 14 = יד = די

דמיון = 760 = מקום דוד = שמות דוד = ימין = עצם

לדמין = 784 = פדן = עדין = מתושלח

השופט = השפוט = הפשוט = 400 = ת = כל שכל = כל עפר = כל ספרי
= אדם מדמין =  1399 = 400 = העתיק הקדוש יצר גופי
= קרא תורה שבעל פה

השופטת = 800 = ף = כל שכל הפשוט = העתיקה הקדוש פשט כל ספרי
= 1799 = 800 = שמתי = אשת גופי = אשת תורה שבעל פה = עיון דוד
= פרדס אדם קדמון = פנינים = ידע בן דוד

מדמינת = 544 = דמך = מדרש = לבי בשר

הויה = 26 = האדם הקדוש = 1025 = 26 = אדם את חוה

הויה מדמין = 820 = כף = ההרים = עמקים = כרם = ענן
= הוגה כל השמות = גוי כל המקום = אדם מדמין את חוה = 1819 = 820

כף יד = 834 = דוד הויה מדמין  = כרם דוד = כתר צדיקי

תורה = 611 = את עצמי = את הרה = תרגום ישעיהו = 1610 = 611

אנכי מדמין את עצמי = 1486 = 487 = כל התבל = פאות = אות פ = שבעל פה = תורה אנכי מדמין

אנכי מדמינת = 625 = הכתר = היורדת = דוד תורה = את הרה דוד

אנכי מדמינת את = 1026 = 27 = שוכן

אנכי מדמינת את עצמי = 1236 = 237 = אנכי מדרש תורה = דוד הבריאה

שולט = 345 = משה = הספר

שולטת = 745 = העינים = המן = השפוט שולט = כל שכל שולט

אדם קדמון שולט = 1800 = 801 = אף = ארם = כל הנשמות

קדמון = 850 = מרים = שתי עיני = שדה ישראל = כל נשמתי = השופטת כל
= עיר מלך = בית דוד קדש הקדשים = 1849 = 850

אנחנו בית דוד = 541 = ישראל = בית דוד חזק = עין ימין
= 1540 = 541 = עין דמיון = ממשת דמיון

אדם קדמון שולט בדמיונו = 1918 = 919 = שם חוה = עתק של חוה

דמיוני = 120 = אליהו הנביא = ישעיהו בן אמוץ הנביא = 2118 = 120
= מועד = עומד = עמוד = עמדו

בדמיוני = 122 = כל כנסת ישראל = 1121 = 122 = זלפה = לשון פה
= ליצר עולם פה

פה = 85 = סכה = היוסד = היסוד

אדם קדמון השולט = 1805 = 806 = ציון = משכילות = אתה משכיל = שכל אדם קדמון = שתי עיני השמים

אדם קדמון השולט = 2013 = 15 = י-ה = קרן דוד = 1014 = 14 = על שם דוד

ו-ה = 11 = חג = שלום עד = 1010 = 11 = למד שלום = שלום מתגלם = 2009 = 11 = העתיקה הקדושה

חג אדם קדמון השולט בעצמו = 2024 = 26 = הויה = אדם את חוה = הקדושים
=  האדם הקדוש = 1025 = 26 = הוא דוד = תורה חוה

שליטה = 354 = שמטה = פרדסי = ספר דוד
= זרע דוד מחיה = דוד כל ברכה מחיה

שליטה על = 454 = תמיד = תהלה דוד
= אוהב לבבות = אוגד לבבות

השליטה = 359 = שטנ = כל שדה = שדה אדמה

השליטה על = 459 = אתנח = את נח
= את שש האמהות = 1458 = 459
= האמהות הרצון = המלכה השליטה  = מיכל השליטה
= אנכי חוה השליטה = כסא חוה השליטה
= כסא הוגה השליאה

שליטה על הדמיון = 1219 = 220 = יורד
= דיור = דוד עצמו = טהור = מגשימים דברי

השליטה על הדמיון = 1224 = 225 = הכר

השליטה כל הדמיון כל מלכות דוד = 1784 = 785
= העין = הפן = ממשתה = המקום בלב = חג עדן
= חג למדן = בת שבע העתיקה הקדושה
= חג בת שבע = אבגיל אחינעם = תהלים אחוד כל עם
= רעיתי נולדה = כסא דן = השכל ממש כל
= מחשבה כל ממש = השכל כל ישע

מועדים לשמחה וחג סכות לששון!

Tuesday, October 15, 2019


A Jew must love every other Jew as he or she loves himself or herself. But a Jew must love the Gentiles as we love our Children - because that is exactly who they are.

Our הִגויים [learning] becomes הגויים. They are the embodiment of our learning.
Our כונות [intentions] become their תכונות [attributes].
The Gentiles are brought into being by our learning.
למד = 74 = לילד
If we have nothing but good intentions for the Gentiles, they will be born with good characteristics into a world in which they can actualize their attributes and abilities.
The Goyim, who are our Children, resemble us. As were our intentions, so are they. If, God forbid, we have negative feelings for the Gentiles and with those cruel thoughts in our Hearts we sit down to learn Torah, may God protect from such things; the Gentiles who are engendered by our learning will return that and reflect that.


There are no rituals ceremonies or symbolic actions in Torah.

Torah is the Book of Life. Those Jews who learn and understand Torah correctly bring Life into Being, they bring Being itself into Being.
Those who see ceremonies, rituals and symbols in Torah not reading Torah correctly because the blood issuing from their Hearts is impure and they do not see what is written clearly.
If someone sees rituals in Torah and/or the Figures in Torah as being someone else who lived long ago and far away, that person has been relegated to the outer courtyard and is nowhere near Kodesh HaKedoshim. That person is nowhere near actualizing HaShem's Will in the Creation.
In fact, it is making Torah into rituals, ceremonies and symbolic actions that *creates the world of illusion*. Understand this. Every time you put on t'fellin; you remove yourself from true Torah and create the space in which illusion can take hold - because you are deluding yourself. You are running away from Malkhut David. I will prove this to you, with HaShem’s Help.

ישראל = 541 = ראשי יהודה = המצות = הממכלות = אנחנו בית דוד
בית דוד חזק = הנני בית דוד = רעיתי תמתי = 1540 = 541 =

Sunday, October 13, 2019


ואהבת לרעך כמוך: מדֻבר בכל יהודי ויהודיה.
אולם, את הגויים עלינו לאהֹב כילדינו 
- כי באמת ילדינו הם.

הזמן לתקן גוי אלים, כעסן, אנטי-שמי, עכו"ם, חולה ומעוות הוא לפני שאותו גוי נברא. עלינו ללמוד תורה אך ורק בברכות העליוניות ביותר לכל הבריות בלב.

הגויים, החיות, הצמחים והדוממים הם ההתגלמויות של היגויינו. הילכך, עלינו להזהר עד מאד שאנחנו לא הוגים בתורה בלי אהבה ורצון לטובת כל הבריות בלב.

עלינו להתכון שכל גוי ייולד בריא, נבון ומלא רצון טוב לעשות טוב בעולם. עלינו להתכון שהם יקימו משפחות לתפארת ויפעלו למען טובת כל הבריאה. עלינו לברך את כל הגויים בשלום ובממוש יכולותיהם הטובות.

עלינו להתכון שכל חי ייולד בריא ולא יצטרך להיות טורף כדי לקבל את מזונו. עלינו להתכון שהחיות יחיו ברוגע ובשלוה ושיהנו מגוריהם. עלינו לברך את כל החיות בתנאים שיפשרו להן לתת ולקבל אהבה.

עלינו להתכון כי לכל צמח יהיו הסגולות שלו והיכולת להעביר חכמת כל הזמנים לגופי אוכלי פירותיהם.

עלינו להתכון כי לכל הדוממים יהיו תכונות טובות וישרתו עשית מעשים טובים.

Friday, October 11, 2019


No, I never really thought that government can be corrected. I knew that thinking so is a stage that many must pass through on the way to SOVEREIGNTY.
I know that most of you do not read Hebrew and have no idea what Torah really says and what the Kingdom of David is. Even many people who did read Hebrew don't really understand it. So, I'll tell you: It is all about Sovereignty. It is all about self-rule.

Government is the reification of our own refusal to gain self-mastery on the level necessary to be sovereign. As Jung rightly said: If an inner conflict or problem or weakness is not addressed effectively, it will show up as an outside circumstance. Government is one such outside circumstance.

Government is a punishment for refusing to be self-controlled, self-disciplined and living embodiments of Morality. Government can never be righteous. Government can never be pleasant. Government can never be honest - because it our own dishonesty and refusal to be Moral that generates it.

Those who criticize government are certainly better off than those so comatose that they are not even struggling. But those who would "clean up" government are like one who, seeing a smudge on their face in the mirror, goes to clean the mirror, which is an understandable error - the first time. However, when the smudge is still there, they clean the mirror more vigorously, then with a stronger cleaning agent and so on...until the folly of their behavior dawns on them. And they go and wash their own face.

It is a blessing that government is unkind. Were it easy on us we would never learn to be Sovereign. Were government pleasant, we would never do the legwork necessary to attain that level of self-discipline. Were government rational we would never plumb the depths of our our Minds. Were government not corrupt, we would never develop the self-control and self-refinement needed to be Sovereign and would live our lives as someone who has healthy legs, but insists on wearing braces.

He or She who conquers their own Mind and Heart - and that includes their subconscious - is far greater than any President or PM or King.
No one can do this for you. No one can save you from your own weaknesses, folly and sin because they are what cloud your consciousness and make you think you need a savior or a President or a King or a PM.
Know this. Accept it. It is the Truth that will set you free.

Thursday, October 10, 2019

To: Devanand Noel Sharma, Australian Politician, Former Businessman and Former Public Servant

Dear Mr. Sharma:

We, the unwashed rabble in the State of Israel, must be, and are, reminded again and again that we simply do not possess the capability to comprehend the rarefied wisdom of the judges. Certainly, that is the reason why it appears to us brutes [we brutes?] that all too many of the decisions of the judges regarding Children are not in the best interests of the Children. We simply do not understand because we are not fit to understand.

Miscreants who have evinced the impertinence to question the decisions of judges in family matters have been prosecuted and jailed under very harsh conditions, as such mean creatures well deserve. Lori Shem Tov, for one, thought she possessed the intelligence to chronicle many decisions of the judges and did so in blogs. She thought she possessed super-Human intelligence, like the judges, and could assess the judges’ decisions accurately. She was jailed for two years, two months of which were in solitary confinement. She is being made a public example of, something like Quasimodo, which is how the audacious, possessing only quasi-awareness, should be treated, lest they multiply.  The State Attorney’s Office is asking for Lori Shem Tov to be jailed for twelve years for the high crime of blogging. I am unable to assess their judgement, of course. I would call for her to be jailed for 12 thousand years if I were wise enough to be a judge. The unmitigated cheek of that woman to presume she knows better for her Children, and other Children in Israel, than the judges!

One wonders why PM Netanyahu is so concerned about being prosecuted by the Israeli legal system. He seemed to be just fine with it until he became a subject of their investigations. He always thought they were more than good enough for us, the subjects of the State of Israel. Certainly, he means the very best for us, the mean and brutish, who cannot understand the most basic concepts of justice. He has always been our champion and protector. So, why should be hesitate to come before such brilliant and eminently fair judges?

But, lo! Now we see that a former Ambassador to the State of Israel cannot understand a decision rendered by the illustrious, venerable and honorable Israeli justice system, just as we cannot. We are confused. An Ambassador must be almost as intelligent as a jurist. Do ambassadors study at least a smidgen of law? The Israeli judges must be awesome indeed if even an ambassador finds their wisdom inscrutable. 

I have no way of assessing such matters, of course, but I have been told that only the very brightest and very bestest of the judges are sent abroad for special training programs under the aegis of George Soros and Leslie Wexner. Perhaps Mr. Soros and Mr. Wexner can allay any lingering doubts you may be entertaining as to the brilliance of the decisions being taken [and not being taken] concerning the most respectable Mrs. Malka Leifer, who, judging by her comportment, must be a very religious, and therefore absolutely certainly moral, person indeed.

Thank you for your attention,
Doreen Ellen Bell-Dotan, Safed, Israel
Plebe and Retired Water Bearer