Wednesday, December 22, 2021
Friday, September 17, 2021
Monday, May 24, 2021
Israel is Anywhere Peace is Made by the Inhabitants
Sunday, May 16, 2021
Peace Making is The Ultimate SuperPower
Making war requires using matter or energy-based technology in order to impose one's will on others. The dependence upon technology by those who would make war is due to their lack of self-control. Learning to make Peace requires conquering one's own self. This is not accomplished by extreme asceticism or harsh measures or harsh practices. It requires gentle but firm and persistent strength of will directed as one's self. As Patience is key to attaining self-control, the fact that accomplishing it takes many long years of gentle self-control develops our Patience. Those who conquer themselves in Peace can then direct Nature by will, because they have reached the level whereupon they experience their Body is the entire Universe. Learning how to do this is the true teaching of Torah. We know that we are ready to learn this when we begin to be able to see these instructions in Torah beyond what appears to be written on the surface. We see that the Prophets and the Judges are our guides and we understand what they are really saying to us. One who learns to create Peace lives in the true Holy Land because all of Earth lines up around them in Peace. Israel is not accessed by plane or boat. It can only be accessed on foot by those who walk in Peace.
הולך = 541 = ישראל
הולך בשלום = 1479 = 480 = פת = עתי = קרקעי = תלמוד = לומדת = מולדת = לילית = שלום בישראל = שלום באהל שרה = שלום באהל לילית וחוה
Thursday, May 06, 2021
דחית נשי ישראל ע"י הממסד הרבנים אינה למען הצניעות או סתם
היא זדונית.
באיזשהו מקום הרבנים יודעים כי:
משיח = 358 = ההגשמה = בכל אשה
= כל אשה הרצון = 1357 = 358
הרבנים אינם רוצים הגשמת רצון ה'. הם אוהבים את המצב הבבלי ומתכוונים
להנציח אותו. מדובר ברשע איום ונורא. הם יודעים כי רמת תלמוד התורה שלהם יוצרת
עולם מעוות וארעי. וכך הם רוצים שהוא ימשיך להיות כי כך הם יכולים לשלוט. עלינו
להעלות את רמת תלמוד התורה עד כדי כך שזדוניים אינם יכולים למצוא מקום בבריאה בכלל.
Wednesday, May 05, 2021
What happened in Meron was not a tragedy, a shock yes, a tragedy, no. I know
this is an extraordinary claim and very hard to hear. Please listen. If you do,
it will save you from much suffering.
The custom of going to graveyards is not a Jewish custom to say the very least. Reveling in graveyards is considered an abomination in Torah.
It is also idol worship in the form of personality cultism.
The worst of the graveyard admonitions is the one on Mt. Meron centered around Rabbi Shimon ben (many erroneously call him bar) Yochai, who it is said wrote the Zohar. ben Yochai did not write the Zohar. It was written by a crank called Moshe de Leon in the middle ages. His family attest to seeing him write it.
The Zohar cult is also big business. BIG. BUSINESS. And it is big mind control.
There is a whole industry that developed in Israel of going to the (often misidentified) graves of "saints".
There are actual all day bus tours that take people from one graveyard to another.
At the foot of Mt. Meron is ben Yochai's grave (supposedly). There, on the 33rd day of the counting of the Omer, masses go there to frolic, dance, revel, smash their bodies up against one another and light bonfires. Some pour alcohol on the bonfires. Do they drink some of it too? Or are bottles of booze taken there just to fan the flames?
Every year there are burns that occur or other accidents. The warnings were written on the wall. Every year we hear the ambulances to and from the site.
The upkeep of those (un)holy sites is an industry in and of itself, that is a huge source of income for the Ministry of Religious Affairs.
This is absolutely forbidden in a true Torah way of life.
Had the people who died in Meron had any chance of leaving the idolatrous ersatz that is rabbinic Judaism, they would not have died. HaShem would have kept them alive to do true repentance. But they did not have a future of true Judaism. They were not going to return to the Torah of the Prophets and the Judges. They were in that graveyard dancing and carrying on in order to induct them into a life of idol worship and abomination. HaShem saved them from that disgrace and that pollution of Soul and Body.
Every time a shocking event occurs, it provides more income to the rabbis who do speaking gigs on the subject of the tragedy. It also keeps the news industry going. It also traumatizes the public and the politicians feed off the public's terror.
HaShem will not longer tolerate abomination. The Earth will not keep still. We are witnessing natural disasters all over the world. In all of those places abominations and idol worship are taking place as a matter of "religious" course.
Earth is now commanded by HaShem to actively act against any and all who abuse the physical world by using material for horrors. It won't be tolerated anymore. And that is HaShem's intent in creating Earth. Earth never was meant to be morally neutral and allow itself to be used and abused in any which way by whoever with whatever intention. That is what occurred during the Diaspora. The Diaspora is over.
Jews cannot expect special dispensation based on the merits of the Patriarchs and Matriarch. Any Jew, as any Gentile, who abuses physical reality, which is the Holy of Holies, and tramples the filth of idol worship onto holy soil, may expect Earth to react immediately, forcefully and in all due Justice against the affront and the sin.
Monday, May 03, 2021
Search: Explosion & fire in Safed City Israel انفجار در صفد
on YouTube
Thursday, April 29, 2021
עשית המצות האמתית היא שליטה על הטבע
כסא = 81 = טבע = אנכי = קבוץ כנסת ישראל = 2079 = 81 = בעז אתם = 1080 = 81
הכסא = 86 = הטבע = כולל = הנה הויה = הויה עולם גשמי = 1085 = 86 = כל הששלת = העתיק הקדוש פה = התם יוסד = התם לומד = דוד כנסת ישראל = אגוד כנסת ישראל
על הטבע = 186 = פועל
שולט = 345 = משה = גופי מדבר = מדבר תורה שבפעלה = 1344 = 345
= פרדס תם = פרדס העתיק הקדוש = המגשימים תורה שבכתב = 2343
= 345
השולט = 350 = עפר = ספרי = שכל = שמי = הִוא השגל
השולט על הטבע = 536 = מצות
שלטון = 1045 = 46 = תהלים = אמה = מאה
השלטון = 1050 = 51 = אמי = תמים = דין תורה שבכתב
= 2049 = 51 = תורה שבפעלה ספר תורה = גופי ספר תורה
השולטות = 756 = נון = נשות = שנות = כל עולם
נשות דוד = 770 = ערך = אגוד השולטות*
השלטון נשות דוד = 1820 = 821 = אמי נשות דוד = העליון
= הדברים = המעון = ציון באהבה = משכילות באהבה
= תורה שבכתב ותורה
שבפעלה ממש = 2819 = 821 = ממש אמת
עשית המצות האמתית היא שליטה על הטבע. מלכות צדיקי ששלת דוד היא השליטה על הטבע, בעצם
על כל היקום, על כל הבריאה. הסימן שמישהו מבית דוד הוא השליטה על הטבע. בן או בת
דוד ההולך/הולכת בדרך האבות הישרה הוא או היא שולט/ת על הטבע. אף אחד בכנסת ישראל
אינו יכול לשנות את הטבע בלי האשור של כל אנשים כנסת ישראל. כך אף אחד לא יכול
לשלוט באופן שרירותי. הדורש להשתמש בכחו או כחה לרעה נפרד מכנסת ישראל, היא המשפחה. כל בן או בת בית
דוד צריך/צריכה את האשור של כל אחד. זאת היחידה.
ישראל = 541 = מאשר = המצות = יעקב השליטה
יחידה = 37 = הלב = ליצר עולם = 1036 = 37 = דוד החי = גוי חי = חוה בהוה
אנשי כנסת ישראל = 1432 = 433 = משפחה = תגל = לב ישעיהו = עלץ תבל
כל בן או בת ישראל מגיע/ה לרמה בה הוא או היא
שולט/ת על הטבע יחד עם כל בית ישראל. זאת כנסת ישראל. זה הסימן של השיכות למשפחת
נשות דוד השלטון העליון = 2641 = 643 = ארץ ישראל
= 1642 = 643 = ארץ אמך
המוכנים לקבל אמת זאת נכנסים לארץ ישראל וחיים לפי חֻקות התורה ותחת הגנת המלכות לעולם ועד לנצח נצחים.
There are many Rabbis who are trying desperately to prevent “Jews” from becoming Christians.
They are trying to keep alive those who are
not viable enough to remain Jews. I don't agree with them. We certainly have to
protect Jewish Children from missionaries. But if, as adults, some wander off,
it is better to let them go.
We Jews must accept that some "Jews" are born so morally weak and
whose character is so frail that they will die, as Jews, before making the
complete journey. Some of them will become Christians.
Just as no fish can be fooled that alcohol is water, so no real Jew can be
fooled that Christianity is our true Tradition. Those who leave never were
The time of the separation of the wheat from the chaff has come. I am not glad
to see that so many "Jews" are becoming Christians, but I understand
this is a necessary phase in our ultimate Aliyah because the weak of every
species must fall away. This is the way of survival of the fittest. If someone
is not strong enough to make the full arduous Jewish journey, they will remain
at the level that they can handle.
If "Jews" become Christians they never were meant to be Jews. They may
have had the merits of their Ancestors that gave them a chance to be Jews, and
so they were born Jews, but they never had the strength to make it to the top
of HaShem's mountain and we should accept their leaving Torah with the relief
of good riddance. They would have been a millstone around our necks and would
have made our journey harder. Let them go. We know they won't find Peace. They
will find whatever substitute for Peace is enough for them.
The truth is, the Rabbis likewise have embraced the Talmud, laced with
Babylonian influences as it, because they too could not hack the full force of
real Prophetic Torah.