Sunday, May 07, 2006

An Anarchist Explains why Israel is Not an Imperialist State

The State of Israel is semi-fascist to be sure, but it is not Imperialistic.

Too many critics fail to discern between Imperialism and Fascism. They assume that they are identical or that the one cannot exist without the other.

In circles of the critics of the one, the leveling of accusations of the other is well-nigh de rigueur. Among those circles are the Anarchists, to which I belong. It behooves me, then, to clarify this conflation.

My essay "An Anarchist Explains why Israel is Not an Imperialist State" comes to elucidate how it is that while the modern State of Israel is semi-fascist, it cannot correctly and fairly be said to be Imperialistic.

Doreen Ellen Bell-Dotan, Tzfat, Israel