Thursday, March 06, 2008

Ah! So, This is Noam Chomsky

Neuro-linguistic programming (NLP) NLP claims to help people change by teaching them to program their brains. We were given brains, we are told, but no instruction manual. NLP offers you a user-manual for the brain. The brain-manual seems to be a metaphor for NLP training, which is sometimes referred to as "software for the brain." Furthermore, NLP, consciously or unconsciously, relies heavily upon (1) the notion of the unconscious mind as constantly influencing conscious thought and action; (2) metaphorical behavior and speech, especially building upon the methods used in Freud's Interpretation of Dreams; and (3) hypnotherapy as developed by Milton Erickson. NLP is also heavily influenced by the work of Gregory Bateson and *Noam Chomsky*.

This certainly does explain why he's been so useful to MIT, the hothouse of the military-industrial complex, for four decades; why he commands a world-wide reputation and a salary enough to house him in Lexington, MA and his prodigious churning out of pseudo-Anarchist yada yada. Doesn't it?

Doreen Ellen Bell-Dotan, Tzfat, Israel