Saturday, October 28, 2017


There is no doubt about the fact that we Jews have a foreign element within our population that is not morally capable of of living according to true Torah. But this is not something that goes back to the time of the conversion of the Khazars. It goes back to the exodus from Egypt. The Khazars were converted by rabbis who were willing to make concessions.

According to genetic testing my family is not of Ashkenazi origin, though my Family arrived in America from Poland, but much, much older. My Mother was specifically asked about her origins when she was ill and the doctors did in-depth blood testing on her. They said they never saw a strain of Jewish blood that pure in North America. They told her she had blood like she stepped out of the Middle East yesterday. With that, my Mother's Family is morally divided. Very, very few of them are capable of living according to true Torah. Most of them are Jew-ish. So, it's not a matter of simple genetics and conversions 1000 years ago. It goes way way deeper than that.

I don't believe any real Jew would be able to accept the Talmud without question, at least in their own heart. I never accepted the Talmud. I could always see that it is skewed and the interpretations if Torah of the rabbis are not that of honest students. But the discipline imposed in the yeshivot is very strong and many boys are sexually abused to break their spirit and make them compliant and self-doubting. The population of the state that masquerades as Israel comprises a Jew-ish majority and a true Hebrew minority who are all persecuted and prosecuted because they are genuinely moral people despite the best efforts of the gov't of the state that purports to be Israel's efforts to destroy us morally in every way possible.

About 80% of "the Palestinians" are genetic Hebrew who were forced to convert to Islam. There may be more true Hebrews among the Palestinians than there are in the "State of Israel".

The rabbis went so far as to assign meanings to Hebrew words as they taught them that are not in line with the true, original intent and discovering the real meanings of the Hebrew terms in Torah is painstaking work.

All of Christianity is based on the false definitions and interpretations of the rabbis. Everything you have been taught about HaMashiach is based on the intentionally misleading wrong definitions and translations of the rabbis. So, don't imagine that Christianity is a clarification of the misinterpretations of the rabbis. It is entirely based on the rabbis twisted interpretations and wrong definitions and you do not have access to the original Hebrew texts and tradition of Prophetic interpretation that the Jews have. So, it's not like Christianity is an improvement on the rabbis' teachings. It is entirely dependent on the rabbis skewing what Mashiach really is.