Tuesday, July 13, 2010

The Jews are the Product of Voluntary, Positive Eugenics

When I was living in Florida, I was already considering leaving the US. One of the places that I considered emigrating to was Canada, where I had done my MA.

Then I went on a date with a fella who took me to the Keys. One of the attractions there was a Native man who wrestled alligators (or crocs, I never know which is which) for the entertainment of White people who could afford to go on dates to the Keys.

I was beyond outraged for the man and it was then I knew that wherever I went, it would not be on another's land.

I decided to return to the ancient land of my foreMothers and foreFathers.

Then I get silly messages from people in places like San Diego, Sydney, Toronto and Christchurch about being an occupier.

You wouldn't call me a "Zionist" occupier had I gone back to Montreal. Correct? A kike among friends, maybe, but not a Zionist occupier. I would in fact be an occupier, but the pain of the Natives is somehow not quite as poignant as that of the Palestinians. If it were as poignant, you'd be faced with the reality of your moral dissonance. I have written elsewhere about the fact that the moral dissonance adversely affects our ability to perceive more than any of our natural limitations.

Do you know that our average overall IQ is 117 and our average verbal IQ is closer to126 than 125, but let's call it 125 (so that you won't think me exaggerating our abilities)? That is an order of magnitude above the rest of humanity.

Your rejection of the Jews' moral and intellectual superiority won't detract an iota (and most certainly not a yud :0) from it.

It is not that you gentiles are a sub-species, as you accuse us of viewing you. It is that we are the result of a careful program of voluntary, positive Eugenics.

This is an excellent introduction to Jewish Eugenics:


There ya go. No secrets there. Another oddity is that the very same people who refuse to learn from us are the first to level accusations that we are secretive.

In my Family, for instance; young scholars, who were poor because they spent their lives studying, married the daughters of scholars who also valued learning above material wealth. This, my understanding is, went on for countless generations in our Family. While gentiles were choosing mates based on material wealth and T&A, we were choosing mates based on the exquisite genius and sensitivity required to learn Torah. Yes, we have produced a different genetic product. Will your anger at that fact change it? Or, will you accept reality and benefit from it?

You cannot change history. You cannot change the legacy with which our foremothers and foreFathers endowed us.You can change your attitude from one of rage and consuming jealousy, to appreciation for the fact that my People worked this hard and long just to be able to give you a gift.

Doreen Ellen Bell-Dotan, Tzfat, Israel